Recent content by J P

  1. J

    How to make collumn 1 and 2 in PHP

    I just need my Vehicle list will appear in the right side. Do you have any idea? Thakyou <?php if(!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } $connection= mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','vehicle management'); $username= $_SESSION['username']; //echo...
  2. J

    How to show 3 decimals only and do not round off in PHP.

    <tr> <th class="p-1 text-right" colspan="5">Advance Payment</th> <th class="p-1 text-right" colspan="">$</th> <th class="p-1 text-left" id="discount_amount"><?php echo isset($discount_amount) ...
  3. J

    Updating data record PHP

    I have this error maybe I overlook something. I couldnt show the values from the data table on my edit form. Im still learning. Thanks <?php if(!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } $connection= mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','vehicle management'); $id=...
  4. J

    PHP How to retain value of textbox after Edit button.

    What is the best way to handle my problem?
  5. J

    PHP How to retain value of textbox after Edit button.

    <?php if(isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] > 0){ $qry = $conn->query("SELECT * from `shipment_list` where id = '{$_GET['id']}' "); if($qry->num_rows > 0){ foreach($qry->fetch_assoc() as $k => $v){ $$k=$v; } } } ?> <style>...
  6. J

    Red dot Notification Navigation Panel

    Red dot Notification Navigation Panel: When adding or confirming new data. If you have any Idea it would be big help! Thank you in advance
  7. J

    PHP import table data to excel

    Not yet po, any suugestions po ba?
  8. J

    PHP import table data to excel

    Napalitan ko na po script pero wala pa din po Na dowload ko na din po ito <?php session_start(); $connection= mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','vehicle management'); $select_query="SELECT * FROM `booking`"; $result= mysqli_query($connection,$select_query); ?> <!DOCTYPE...
  9. J

    PHP import table data to excel

    Thank you! Ano gagawin ko dito? <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DataTables-1.10.24/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="TableTools-2.2.4/css/dataTables.tableTools.min.css"> <script src="jQuery-3.5.1/jquery-3.5.1.min.js"></script> <script...
  10. J

    PHP import table data to excel

    I just need a button for extract data swhown in the table. Thank you for your help. <?php session_start(); $connection= mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','vehicle management'); $select_query="SELECT * FROM `booking`"; $result= mysqli_query($connection,$select_query); ?>...
  11. J

    PHP Vehicle Management

    1. Check if the database tables vehicle and driver have records with veh_available and dr_available set to 0, respectively. This works! but can you help to code that everytime I used the vehicle/river, the value will return to 0.
  12. J

    PHP Vehicle Management

    Need help! I encoded 4 drivers and 2 cars already, but it happens that after selecting Cars and Vehicle nothing is showing in the drop text (Available cars and Available drivers). Please see photos and code below. Thank you! <?php $connection=...
  13. J

    Help Your Privacy Matters pop up_ Error?

    Baka may idea po para dito. Thank you
  14. J

    A4 Size Image as Backgroud image

    This must be seen at printing preview (BG image + details) Using php/css. Thanks
  15. J

    Creating Picture as Background of preview and print

    HELP.. Need ko po maglagay ng letterhead and footer pero mas madali po siguyro kung pic na lang. Pwede po kaya? pero yung details kita pa din po sana, sa likod lang yung image. <?php if($_settings->chk_flashdata('success')): ?> <script> alert_toast("<?php echo...