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C# Blazor Realtime Chat Using SignalR

Thank you for sharing the GitHub repository for the Blazor Realtime Chat Using SignalR project! It's great to see developers sharing their work with the community.

For those who may be unfamiliar, SignalR is a library for ASP.NET that simplifies adding real-time web functionality to applications. In this project, SignalR is used to implement a chat application in Blazor, a web framework for building interactive client-side web UIs using .NET.

The repository contains the source code for the project, including the client-side Blazor code and the server-side ASP.NET code. The client-side code is written in C# and HTML, while the server-side code is written in C#.

The project uses a hub class to manage client connections and message broadcasting. The hub receives messages from clients and sends them to all connected clients. The client-side code uses the hub to send and receive messages.

Overall, this project is a great example of how SignalR can be used to implement real-time functionality in a Blazor application. Developers interested in learning more about SignalR and Blazor could definitely benefit from exploring this repository.

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