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PHC - Mart

Forum Veteran
Jun 21, 2018
#9 20 Fun Facts About the World That Sound Absurd But Are Actually True

1) It snows in the Sahara Desert

Deserts are known to have very low precipitation. And if rainfall is rare, wouldn’t snowfall be even rarer? Well, the impossible happened in 2018 and the Sahara Desert was covered in a blanket of white snow. However, the snow only lasted for a day before melting under the hot sun.

2) There are only two countries in the world where Coca Cola does not exist

You might think Coca Cola is something you can find anywhere in the world but these two countries have been in long-term US trade embargoes — North Korea since 1950 and Cuba since 1962.

3) Sudan has the most pyramids in the world (not Egypt)

Egypt and pyramids are almost synonymous, but did you know there are pyramids in Sudan too? Nubia, a region in Sudan, has 255 pyramids — twice the number in Egypt!

4) Colombia’s brightest rainbow is in its river

Normally you’d find rainbows in the sky, but the Caño Cristales, also known as the “River of Five Colours”, beams brighter than any rainbow in the sky.

Located in Colombia’s Serranía de la Macarena National Natural Park, this stunning river owes its multi-coloured beauty to the Macarenia Clavigera, a plant that lives in the riverbed. It’s best to visit between May to November when the river weeds blossom in yellow, blue, green and red. They get brighter hues during this time as the waters are shallower, allowing more sunlight to reach the plants.

5) The Sahara Desert used to be a tropical rainforest

The Sahara again?! Trust me, this one’s extra cool.

The Sahara Desert is known for being the world’s hottest desert. However, just 6,000 years ago, this dry land was a lush rainforest with thick vegetation and high rainfall.

6) Macchu Pichu is an earthquake-proof city

This ancient Inca town rests on top of two fault lines in Peru. That means earthquakes were expected events. So how did they live through it?

In fact, the Incans created a brilliant engineering technique called ‘ashlar masonry’, where rocks are cut to fit perfectly together without mortar. This allowed the stones to move in its place during an earthquake, before settling back in their original positions. Genius or what?!

7) You could walk from Russia to Alaska (on ice)

Between Russia and Alaska lies the Bering Strait. When it freezes up in the winter, you can journey across, with 3.8km being the shortest end.

However, just because it’s possible, doesn’t mean it’s legal! Or safe, as the ocean winds are extremely cold and the ice below may shift.

In 2006, two adventurers set out from Alaska to cross the frozen path on foot. They crossed 90km in 15 days before they were detained in Russia for violating immigration laws.

8) China has only one timezone

Having a single timezone is fine if the sun rises and sets at the same time for everyone. However, as Beijing is preparing to go to bed at midnight, folks in Xinjiang are just beginning to watch the sunset.

That’s pretty wild considering how China is almost the size of the United States, which has six timezones! Interestingly, China didn’t always operate on Beijing time. Beijing Standard Time was only established in 1949 — a decision by Chairman Mao Zedong in the name of national unity.

9) San Fransisco’s Golden Gate Bridge ‘speaks’

This is one of the newer facts about the world. In June 2020, San Francisco’s beloved Golden Gate Bridge started speaking up about some amendments made to the railings on the bike path. Literally.

10) You can go on a safari in Sri Lanka

Kenya isn’t the only safari experience — there’s another place closer to home that’s half the price with its own set of amazing wildlife!

Less than four hours away, in charming Sri Lanka, is Asia’s very own Safari. On the open plains of Yala National Park, you’ll spot elephants, leopards, and even aquatic birds!

To be continued...
May Pepsi naman siguro doon. Madami palang pyramid doon

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