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Tutorial How To Make Homemade Protein Bars

Lelouch Lamperouge

🐝 on duty 🐝
Feb 22, 2015

How To Make Homemade Protein Bars

Protein bars are a convenient snack. They typically don’t require reheating and are easy to take with you and enjoy on the go.

Because they’re a rich source of protein, these bars can provide a boost of nutrition before a workout or support recovery afterward. They might even benefit weight loss and help you feel full between meals (You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.).

Many commercial brands of protein bars contain ingredients like added sugar, additives, preservatives, or common allergens like dairy and nuts.

To avoid these, you might consider making your own bars at home. Or, maybe you just enjoy experimenting in the kitchen!

In any case, this article is your guide to making your own protein bars at home. It includes a few easy recipes, ingredients to use and avoid, and a comparison of homemade and store-bought options.

stack of protein bars on a white backgroun
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Steps for making protein bars at home

First, let’s take a closer look at the main steps you’ll take to make your own protein bars at home.

1. Choose your recipe and review the ingredients

The first step when making protein bars at home is deciding on a recipe to follow.
A quick online search is sure to produce hundreds of different recipes. You can easily find ones that cater to specific dietary restrictions like nut-free, vegan, paleo, gluten-free, and more.
After reading over a few recipes, you may notice how versatile protein bars are and you might even come up with your own ideas utilizing your preferred ingredients.
To help you get started, here are a few of my favorite recipes:

You can also check out these lists for You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. and You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. — many of which are filled with protein.
Once you’ve landed on a recipe, carefully review it to ensure there are no ingredients you have an allergy to or want to avoid.

2. Gather up your tools

There are a few key tools that are good to have on hand before you get started. These include:
  • Baking sheet or pan. A 9 x 13-inches (28.9 x 33-cm) rimmed baking sheet is a great choice for a thin protein bar that’s around 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick. If you want a thicker bar, you can use a deeper 9 x 9-inches (28.9 x 28.9-cm) cake pan or casserole dish.
  • Measuring cups. Although you can estimate the ingredient amount in some recipes, others need you to measure precisely how much you add to reach a desired taste, texture, and protein content.
  • Parchment paper. If your recipe uses ingredients like You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., peanut butter, or dried fruit, there’s a good chance things could get sticky. Parchment paper is great for lining baking pans and keeping finished protein bars from sticking together.
  • Rubber spatula. This tool not only works wonders for mixing sticky ingredients together, but it’s also great for smoothing the protein bar mixture into an even layer in your baking dish.
  • Food processor. Though not always necessary, a food processor or hand mixer can speed things up. A food processor can chop up ingredients, blend them together, and create a cohesive and well-mixed bar.

3. Remember these tips

After you’ve gathered up your tools and ingredients, remember these tips while working on your bars:
  • Review your recipe closely. Some protein bars are meant to be baked in the oven, while others aren’t. Make sure not to heat up a no-bake bar to avoid impacting its texture.
  • Start small. Especially when trying a recipe you’ve never made before, consider starting with a small batch. This way, you can make sure you enjoy it before spending money on a full batch worth of ingredients.
  • Bars, bites, and balls are often interchangeable. Oftentimes, protein bites and energy balls are similar to protein bars, just shaped differently. With most base recipes, you can easily shape the snack to your preference.
  • Experiment with ingredients. If you find a recipe that has an ingredient or two you want to replace, try substituting it with something of similar texture and consistency. This will help ensure your bars hold together as intended by the recipe developer.

source: healthline

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