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Trivia 22 Interesting Facts About Words That You Probably Didn't Know.

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017
1.The word "Daisy" comes from the old english for "days eye,"as the flower opens during the day and shut again at night.

2.Audip latin for "I hear"
video is latin for " I see"

3.Gymnasium is from the greek word "gymnazein"
literally "to exercise nākëd"

4.Dutch feast is when the host gets drunk
before the guess do.

5."Doryphore" is someone who derives intense satisfaction from pointing out the errors of others.

6.11 % of the entite English language is just the letter "E".

7.The world "girl" use to mean a child of either sëx.

8.Acnestis is the part of your back that you can't quite reach to scratch.

9.Back in 1500s,bully used to mean "sweetheart"

10.It's called cappuccino because it looks like the brown hood of a 16th century Capuchin monk.

11."Helvetica" (the front) is the latin word for "Swiss" it was designed in Switzerland.

12.Asinine is to donkey( asses)like canine is to dogs,
feline is to cats and bovine to cows.

13."Atrate " dressed in all black.

14.Baisure is the spot where a loaf of bread has touched another loaf whilst in the oven.

15.Floccinaucinihilipilification is the action or habit of estimating something as worthless.

16.Pandiculation is the phenomenon of yawning and stretching.

17."Harlot" originally meant a disreputable young man.

18.Magniloquent is using high flown or bombastix language.

19 "Muscle is derived from the latin word " musculus" which translate to "little mouse".

20."Janitor is related to Janus,the two faced Roman God.

21.Mythomania is an abnormal tendency to exaggerate or lie.

22."Host" and "guest" comes from the same root word meaning"a stranger".


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