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If excellent is 92%–100%, good is 85%–92%, and basic is 84% and below, If the total employee count is 31, 10 of them got an excellent rating, 15 got a good rating, and 6 got a basic rating. How do I get the percentage for each rating based on the head counts and given rating?
To calculate the percentage for each rating based on the head counts and given ratings, you can use the following steps:

1. Calculate the percentage for each rating category:
- Excellent: (Number of employees with excellent rating / Total employee count) * 100
- Good: (Number of employees with good rating / Total employee count) * 100
- Basic: (Number of employees with basic rating / Total employee count) * 100

2. Substitute the given values into the formulas:
- For excellent: (10 / 31) * 100 = 32.26%
- For good: (15 / 31) * 100 = 48.39%
- For basic: (6 / 31) * 100 = 19.35%

Therefore, based on the given head counts and ratings, approximately 32.26% of employees received an excellent rating, 48.39% received a good rating, and 19.35% received a basic rating.
For example, if we set 100% for all categories, the total headcount is 31. Based on the rating, 10 got excellent, 15 got a good rating, and 6 got a basic rating. Please give me an example using the IF formula in Excel. Thank you

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