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Barley, the superfood for immunity, heart health, and weight loss


Eternal Poster
Jun 22, 2017

Barley, the superfood for immunity, heart health, and weight loss​

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Since ancient times, barley has been used as a food and medicine. Roman gladiators, with their superhuman strength that could rip a planet apart, were known as “eaters of barley.” This nutrient-rich ancient grain was used as a folk remedy for various illnesses.

Today, the modern world is reawakening to the amazing health benefits of this superfood.

Dr. Victor Escueta recalls, “I discovered organic barley in 2005 when I had this self-realization as a physiologist and pharmacologist, asking myself, ‘Why is it that when doctors prescribe synthetic or conventional medicines that we were taught in the college of medicine, although these medications provide relief, new signs and symptoms appear and, sometimes, the patient’s condition gets worse?’ And if you review the literature of synthetic and conventional medications, you will see that there are more precautions and a longer list of adverse reactions than the indications themselves. Thus, it seems to me that the patients are not really completely healed and new diseases are acquired.”

It was then that Dr. Escueta came across the “New Medicine” —Integrative Medicine and Naturopathy, a new approach to managing patients holistically through a combination of what’s best in conventional medicine and advances in traditional medicine, nutrition medicine and alternative medicine.

It didn’t take long for Jonathan So and Carlito Macadangdang, the dynamic duo behind JC, to bring organic barley from New Zealand into the country. Why New Zealand?

Barley’s soilmate

Numerous studies show that organic barley from New Zealand has the best quality because it’s grown in the best soil since farmers do not use anti-pest chemicals and chemical fertilizers, from planting to harvesting. Not a single drop of chemicals (especially heavy metals) is present. The barley is then washed and air-dried (not under the heat of the sun), processed into powder form, and immediately packed under strict manufacturing standards to maintain its freshness and health-giving properties.

As a nutritional supplement, this organic barley is made from pure, natural, organic New Zealand barley to help build strength, stamina, and energy. It’s got immunity-building vitamins and minerals, free radical-fighting chlorophyll to reduce the risk of diseases (such as heart disease and certain cancers), energy-boosting amino acids, and anti-aging live enzymes to help maintain good health.

Leading barley grass authority Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara considers organic barley as “the only vegetation on earth that can supply nutritional support from birth to old age.”

All this said, with JC Organic Barley juice, you’re loading up on youth-enhancing, muscle-building, immune-strengthening ingredients in one go!

Not your run-of-the-mill barley

You can be sure that New Zealand monitors the chlorophyll content of its barley daily, during the early stage of its growth (when the leaves are still four inches in length or height), when its antioxidants are highest. When the chlorophyll is below standard, the product is not included for shipment to the Philippines.

JC Organic Barley is a very powerful antioxidant because of its Oxygen Radical Absorbent Capacity (ORAC value), which reduces the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. No other food supplement can provide such a high antioxidant value (25,000/100g).

Also, unlike other barley products on the market that use artificial and synthetic sweeteners, JC Organic Barley juice drink uses Stevia, a natural, no-calorie sweetener that reduces your intake of added sugars while letting you enjoy the taste of something sweet.

And now, let’s hear it from some satisfied consumers of JC Organic Barley.

Selina Dagdag-Alas, 30, former PBA sportscaster and cancer survivor: “After supplementing with this green juice, my HCG (blood test) levels, after about seven cycles, went down to 1.20, which is considered normal.”

David Johnson, 54, electrician, Western Australia: “Since I started having JC Organic Barley juice, I have found that I feel better all over, have more energy, and lost some weight to the point of noticing my belt was too big. Now, I have put my wife on JC Organic Barley capsules, and she has lost weight and feels better as well.”

Lilia Birayon, 40, housewife: “After two months of drinking JC Organic Barley, my triglycerides (body fat) went down from 310 to 150 and my cholesterol level became normal.”

Mela Tiu, 42, billing coordinator, Canada: “JC Oganic Barley has helped me in many ways, like I don’t have a problem with constipation anymore since taking this miracle superfood.”

Juan Miguel Delmacio, 18, high school student: “I had a low platelet count due to dengue, but witnessed a remarkable improvement after introducing JC Organic Barley in my diet. In the hospital for almost a week, my platelet count normalized from 24 to 120 and my bowel movement improved.”

It’s best to sip your organic barley juice slowly on an empty stomach 30 minutes before a meal or two hours after a meal, so that the nutrients can be assimilated easily without the presence of other foods.

Depending on your health status, it’s recommended that you take one to two capsules of JC Organic Barley three times a day, at least 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The path to health and wellness could be just a drink away!

* * *

JC Organic Barley juice costs P1,200 per box of 10 sachets while JC Organic Barley capsule costs P948 per bottle of 30 capsules.

The JC organic barley products can be purchased via the JC Shop website (You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.) or at any JC headquarters or business centers worldwide. Visit You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now..

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