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List the general steps in information gathering and Describe each method used in information gathering in system analysis and design
The general steps in information gathering in system analysis and design can be summarized as follows:

1. Identify the stakeholders: The first step is to identify the stakeholders involved in the system being analyzed and designed. This includes users, managers, technicians, and any other individuals or groups affected by or involved in the system.

2. Determine the information needs: Once the stakeholders are identified, it is important to determine their information needs. This involves understanding the current system and identifying any gaps or deficiencies that need to be addressed in the new system.

3. Select information gathering methods: After identifying the information needs, appropriate methods need to be selected to gather the required information. There are various methods available, and the choice depends on factors such as the nature of the system, the stakeholders involved, and the available resources.

4. Conduct interviews: Interviews involve direct interaction with stakeholders to gather information. They can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured depending on the level of formality required. Interviews provide an opportunity to ask specific questions and clarify any uncertainties.

5. Perform observations: Observations involve directly observing the current system and how users interact with it. This method helps in understanding the context and identifying any inefficiencies or areas for improvement.

6. Review documentation: Existing documentation, such as user manuals, system specifications, or process flowcharts, can provide valuable insights into the current system. Reviewing these documents helps in understanding the existing processes, rules, and procedures.

7. Conduct surveys and questionnaires: Surveys and questionnaires are useful when gathering information from a large number of stakeholders. They can be distributed electronically or on paper and help in collecting quantitative as well as qualitative data.

8. Analyze existing data: Analyzing existing data, such as transaction logs, system logs, or databases, can provide insights into system usage patterns and performance. This method is particularly useful for system performance analysis and identifying data dependencies.

9. Organize and document gathered information: Once the information is gathered, it needs to be organized and documented in a structured manner. This includes creating diagrams, process models, data flow diagrams, or use cases to represent the system requirements.

Each method used in information gathering has its own advantages and limitations. The selection of methods depends on factors like the system complexity, time and resource constraints, stakeholder availability, and the level of detail required. It is common to use a combination of methods to ensure comprehensive and accurate information gathering.

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