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Closed disk C TO DISK D

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mga ka ph tulong naman po ohh dalawa po partition ng hardisk ko dito sa pc ko hard c na system at hard d na walang laman balak ko po sana na yung mga ma download ko ay outomatik na mapupunta sa disk d para di ma delete kasi yung system ko e de-deeprez ko sana para hindi madaling mapasukan ng virus tong pc ko turrent at IDM ang gamit ko sapag download tulong naman po
1. Open idm
2. Click downloads
3. Click options
4. Click save to
5. Look for default download directory for "General" category
6. Click browse
7. Choose a directory and click ok
8. Click ok
Yup yup Tama sila TS. pwedi mo e-set ung download directory ng torrent and IDM mo into D: . However.... since magdedeepfreze ka it means na hindi magreresume download mo since ibabalik ng deepfreze ung download progress ng paulit ulit .. so hindi effective . hehehe possible siguro na just set ung download directory mo sa D and wag ka na magdeepfreze or.... set mo ung dowload dir sa d; while nakadeepfreze ka pro make it sure na tapos na download mo bago mo ioff pc mo. alright,
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