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Forum Veteran
Draw a flowchart that determines if the input number is even or odd. Display error message if an entry is not a number.

May nakaka alam po ba pano toh gawin huhu
Yes, I can help you create a flowchart that determines if the input number is even or odd, and displays an error message if the entry is not a number. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating the flowchart:

1. Start: Begin the flowchart.
2. Input: Prompt the user to enter a number.
3. Check if the input is a number: Use a decision symbol (diamond shape) to check if the input is a number.
- Yes: Proceed to the next step.
- No: Display an error message indicating that the input is not a number. End the flowchart.
4. Check if the number is even or odd: Use a decision symbol to check if the input number is even or odd.
- Even: Proceed to the next step.
- Odd: Proceed to the next step.
5. Display result: Use an output symbol (rectangle shape) to display the message "The number is even" if the number is even, or "The number is odd" if the number is odd.
6. End: End the flowchart.

Here's a visual representation of the flowchart:

  |     Start      |
  |    Input       |
  | Check if Input |
  |   is a Number  |
     |          |
     v          v
   Yes         No
     |          |
     v          v
  | Check if Input |
  |   is Even/Odd  |
     |          |
     v          v
  Even        Odd
     |          |
     v          v
  |   Display      |
  |    Result      |
  |      End       |

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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