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Reviewer Formulas, You have to know before taking Civil Service Exam or Any Aptitude test

MATH Wizard

Eternal Poster
Jun 27, 2017
Area of a Crircle
A = πr²
Circumference (perimeter) of a circle
C = 2πr
C = πD

Area of a triangle
A = ½hb
Perimeter of a triangle
P = a+b+c
Phythagorean theorem
c² = a²+b²
Sum of all interior angles of a triangle
= 180°

Area of a square
A = s²
Perimeter of a square
P = 4s
Sum of all interior angles of a quadrilateral
= 360°

Area of a rectangle
A = L×W
Perimeter of a rectangle
P = 2L+2W
Diagonal of a rectangle
(Same as pythagorean theorem)
D² = L² + W²
D = √(L²+W²)

Area of a rhombus
A = pq/2
Perimeter of a rhombus
P = 4s

Area of a trapezoid
A = (a+b)(h)/2
Perimeter of a trapezoid
P = a+b+c+d

Percentage, Rate, and Base
Percentage = Base × Rate
Rate = Percentage ÷ Base
Base = Percentage ÷ Rate

Distance, Speed, and time
Distance = Speed × Time
Speed = Distance ÷ Time
Time = Distance ÷ Speed

Average Speed
AS = Total Distance ÷ Total Time

Arithmetic sequence
An = A1+(n-1)d
Sum of arithmetic sequence
Sn = n(A1+An)/2

Simple interest
A = P(1+rt)
I = Prt
Compound Interest
A = P(1+r)^t