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How much does Camouflage Affect Predation on Mice by Owls with and without Moonlight? D.W. Kaufman hypothesized that the extent to which the coat color of a mouse contrasted with the color of its surroundings would affect the rate of nighttime predation by owls. He also hypothesized that contrast would be affected by the amount of moonlight. In this exercise, you will analyze data from his studies of owl-mouse predation that tested these hypotheses.
How the Experiment Was Done Pairs of mice ( Peromyscus polionotus) with different coat colors, one light brown and one dark brown , were released simultaneously into an enclosure that contained a hungry owl. The researcher recorded the color of the mouse that was first caught by the owl. If the owl did not catch either mouse within 5 minutes, the test was recorded as a zero. The release trials were repeated multiple times in enclosures with either a dark-colored soil surface or a light-colored soil surface. The presence or absence of moonlight during each assay was recorded.
Data from the Experiment
First, make sure you understand how the graphs are set up. Graph A shows data from the light-colored soil enclosure and graph B from the dark-colored enclosure, but in all other respects the graphs are the same. (a) There is more than one independent variable in this graphs. What are the independent variables, the variables that are tested by the researcher? Which axis of the graphs has the independent variables? (b) What is the dependent variable, the response of the variables being tested? Which axis of the graphs has the dependent variable? (For additional information about graphs, see the Scientific Skills Review in Appendix F and in the Study Area in MasteringBiology.

Step-by-step solution​

  1. Step 1 of 3​

    An independent variable is a parameter whose outcome is not defined. It is dependent on either the presence or the absence of another variable or parameter. In this case, it can be seen that there are presence of two variables.
    One of them is the presence of moonlight. Either, there can be moonlight equivalent to a full moon or there can be absence of moonlight denoting the absence of a moon. The second variable is the amount of mice caught by the owl.
  2. Step 2 of 3​

    Moonlight and Soil color are the independent variables. It is a natural phenomenon that is going to occur irrespective of the presence of absence of mice or owls. It is represented on the X-axis as either full moon light or no moon light, light colored soil or dark colored soil.
  3. Step 3 of 3​

    The number of mice caught by the owl clearly indicates the dependent variables. It can be seen from the graph that the number of mice that are caught is influenced by either the presence or absence of moonlight. This variable is expressed on the Y-axis, as number of mice caught according to either presence or absence of moonlight.


using matlab:
V1 = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0]
V2 = [0.3 1.2 0.5 2.1 0.1 0.4 3.6 4.2 1.7 0.9]
V3 = [4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1]
Calculate, respectively, the sum of all the elements in vectors V1, V2, and V3.
How to get the value of the fifth element of each vector?
Find the largest element value in V1?
Generate a new vector V4 from V2, which is composed of the first five elements of V2.
Generate a new vector V5 from V2, which is composed of the last five elements of V2.
What are the results of?
V1. *V2

Expert Answer
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  • V1 = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0]; V2 = [0.3 1.2 0.5 2.1 0.1 0.4 3.6 4.2 1.7 0.9]; V3 = [4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1]; %here is how to get the sum of all elemets in a vector v1_sum = sum(V1); disp('v1_sum = '); disp(v1_sum); v2_sum = sum(V2); disp('v2_sum = '); disp(v2_sum); v3_sum = sum(V3); disp('v3_sum = '); disp(v3_sum); %here is how to get the 5th element ele_5_v1 = V1(5); disp('5th element in v1 = '); disp(ele_5_v1); ele_5_v2 = V2(5); disp('5th element in v2 = '); disp(ele_5_v2); ele_5_v3 = V3(5); disp('5th element in v3 = '); disp(ele_5_v3); %largest in V1 max_v1 = max(V1); disp ('maximum number in V1'); disp(max_v1); %generate V4 V4 = V2(1:5); disp("V4"); disp(V4); %generate V5 V5 = V2(length(V2) - 4:length(V2)); disp('V5'); disp(V5); %result of 9-V1 x = 9 - V1; disp('9 - V1'); disp(x); %result of V1*5 x = V1*5; disp('V1*5'); disp(x); %result of V1+V2 x = V1+V2; disp('V1+V2'); disp(x); %result of V1-V3 x = V1-V3; disp('V1-V3'); disp(x); %result of V1.*V2 x = V1.*V2; disp('V1.*V2'); disp(x); %result of V1.^2 x = V1.^2; disp('V1.^2'); disp(x);
    Hope I am able to clear this.
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