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Step 1 of 3​

Services of Web pages, language used to design Web pages and advantage of using cøøkíés to promote sales in Bicycles Company is shown below:
Services offered in web page:
• Services offered by web page to promote sales is shown below:
o Bicycle images
o Online ordering
o Payment options
o Bicycle storage lockers
o Bicycle safety tips
• A website is a set of associated web pages on the internet.
o A web page is an internet document and it contains the different kind of information such as text, graphics, and hyperlink to other pages and files.
o Generally web pages are written in hypertext markup language (HTML).
• A website is presented on single web server. This can be accessible through a network, such as the internet or local area network.
• The websites are accessed by a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) address.

Step 2 of 3​

Language used to design the web page:
The bicycle company uses the HTML and other embedded programs, such as Java Server Page, Java applet, and XML to design the web page.
• The HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a markup language, used to create the webpage with related contents.
• HTML uses tags to specify how the information should be shown on the web page.
Java Server Page:
• A Java Server Page (JSP) is a dynamic web page which contains JSP scriplets.
o It is executed on the web server, where the web page exists in. A web server with a servlet container is needed to execute the java server page.
o Therefore the processing done in server side.
Java applet:
• A Java applet is a small program usually coded in Java language and produces the byte code. It is embed into an HTML document.
o It is executed to view the web page inside the web browser of the user. The web browser uses JVM (Java Virtual Machine) to execute.
o Therefore, the processing is done in client side.
Extensible Markup Language (XML):
• Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a language that describes a collection of rules used for encoding the content of document in a format (human-readable and machine-readable).
o It is used to carry the content of any document.
• The tags are not predefined so the programmer can create their own set of tags to describe the data used in the document.
• It is a meta-language that is used to define more languages.

Step 3 of 3​

Advantage of using cøøkíés:
• A cøøkíé is a small part of data in the type of a text file, sent by a web server.
o This information is stored in a user’s web browser.
• cøøkíé in website is used to know the input information regarding the preceding interactions that takes place among computer and website.
• The cøøkíés may store the time of visited site and visited site information.
• Uses of cøøkíés in websites:
o The cøøkíés used to find out the number of exclusive visitors approach the site.
o The cøøkíés are stored to give the adapted information for the user.




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Eto na po yung uncloked answer sa question mo mentalblack

Sa totoo lang di ako mahusay sa programming/coding. Pero tiwala ako sa husay ni master Arcturus dyan. So aralin mong maigi yung solution at kung may tanong ka, pwede mo syang i-reach out.


Don't forget to 💕

Keep Learning! 💜



Anyways, eto po yung code. Mali po ang condition na nasa chegg solution.
//Disclaimer: Code is not mine.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
int number;
int roomcapacity;
char choice ;
do {
cout << "Enter the room capacity :";
cin >> roomcapacity;
cout << "Enter number of people in the meeting :";
cin >> number;
if(number <= roomcapacity)
cout << "You can hold the meeting legally!";
else if (number > roomcapacity) {
cout <<"Warning! you can't hold the meeting," << endl;
cout << "But if you still want to hold the meeting you have to exclude: " << (number - roomcapacity) << " guest(s)";
cout << endl << endl << "Do you want to run the program again? <y/n> ";
cin >> choice;
cout << endl << endl;
while ( choice =='y' || choice == 'Y');
cout << "\nEnd of Program\n\n";
return 0;
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Step 1 of 3
Planning a strategic change involves seamless flow of information across the organization. Also, the information has to be through the right sources and correct, incorrect information can lead to planning failure.

Step 2 of 3
Building a right communication strategy needs effective implementation of a feedback system as it helps in evaluating actions among all departments and the level of employees. The employees must be rewarded for the innovation even if that does not provide expected returns to the organization.

Also, successful planning requires aligning individual goals with organization goals and these are the issues which can hamper the planning process if they are not executed properly.

Step 3 of 3
Firms planning for creating innovations and creating a development oriented atmosphere face several issues which can bring in a halt to the planning process. The other issue relates to preventing the personnel from becoming entrenched in some of the old ways of functioning and will help to open the door for new innovation process.

These concerns are quite important both for the process and product innovation. The difference in each situation is matter of degree and will overlap to some degree due to new product innovation. In some cases, there will be process innovation that does not involve new product. In such cases, there may be issues with respect to the entrenchment associated with process innovation involved.
Lods pwede pa help pls.. Draw a flowchart that determines the volume and total surface area of a cone using the inputted radius and height

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