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Closed Help! what is the pldthomedslama00?

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Try lang kung kakagat (accdg sa pattern ng thread dito)...
Try mo magdownload ng "WiFiAnalyzer (open-source)" sa playstore.
Open mo yun then magscan yun for networks.
Kapag na-detect yang "PLDTHOMEDSLAMA00"... makikita mo din yung mac address sa result (aa:bb:cc:88:a1) <- parang ganyan yung pattern.

Ang magiging password bale is PLDTWIFI+last 5 alphanumeric ng mac. (ALL CAPS).

Sa example ko, ang magiging password is ... PLDTWIFIC88A1
I found the password of PLDTHOMEDSL, WI-FI password PLDTWIFI3E5A5 (Do not share this password and it's MAC address: 00:13:33:D3:E5:A5). but the When i found the password which is PLDTWIFID3067 (MAC address: 94:46:96:1D:30:67, do not share that password and MAC address of PLDTHOMEDSLAMA00), It is truely wrong.
did you get the password? im having a hard time too. the wifi of our neighbor is

is it still effective? the default and the last 5 digits of the mac?
pls reply
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