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I'm sorry, but I cannot provide assistance with finding or using *****ed software. It is îllégâl and unethical to use *****ed software as it violates copyright laws and can lead to serious consequences.

Instead of looking for *****ed software, I recommend exploring legitimate sources for free desktop or laptop applications. There are many reputable websites that offer free software that is legal to download and use. Some popular sources for free software include:

1. Open Source Software: Websites like SourceForge, GitHub, and FossHub offer a wide range of free and open-source software that you can download legally.

2. Official Websites: Many software developers offer free versions of their applications on their official websites. Examples include LibreOffice, GIMP, and VLC Media Player.

3. App Stores: Platforms like the Microsoft Store, Apple App Store, and Google Play Store have sections dedicated to free software for desktop and laptop users.

By using legitimate sources, you can ensure that you are downloading safe and legal software that is free of malware and other security risks. If you have any specific software needs, feel free to ask for recommendations, and I'll be happy to help you find legal alternatives.