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Honorary Poster
Bka my gusto mag hire sken mga paps!! i have a highspeed interne , laptop 3 phones. pero wla nmn akong mkuhang sideline hehe.. bka my gusto kyo pagawa sken.. buy my time.. i know some stuff like video editing, copy paste something hehe, bsta khit anong kya gawin ng taong my internet at laptop/pc s bahay.. pls do contact me guys.. slmt ^_^
Hello there! It's great to see that you're looking for some freelance opportunities. While I can't hire you directly, I can offer you some tips to increase your chances of finding work.

1. Create a portfolio: Since you mentioned video editing and copy-pasting skills, it would be helpful to showcase your work in a portfolio. Compile samples of your best work, and consider creating a website or using platforms like Behance or Vimeo to display your skills.

2. Network: Reach out to your friends, family, and acquaintances to let them know about your skills and availability for freelance work. They might have connections or know someone who is looking for someone with your abilities.

3. Join freelancing platforms: There are several freelancing platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer where you can create a profile and bid on relevant projects. Make sure to highlight your skills and experience in your profile to attract potential clients.

4. Utilize social media: Promote your services on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Join relevant groups and communities where potential clients might be seeking freelancers.

5. Offer your services locally: Reach out to local businesses, organizations, or individuals who might need assistance with video editing or other tasks you mentioned. You could also consider offering your services to friends or family members who might need help with their projects.

Remember, building a freelance career takes time and effort. Keep honing your skills, market yourself effectively, and stay persistent. Good luck with your freelance journey!