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Eternal Poster
Nov 9, 2016
Always use a virtual machine to be anonymous, you can install a ISO on Virtual Box, use VPS, etc . . .

If you want to be anonymous the most important thing is to use a vpn without logs, i have seen a lot of people using NordVpn and saying it doesn't keep logs, well it does, i think they keep logs now because how easy it is to get a *****ed NordVpn account, but anyways if you want to be anonymous Online i recommend you a VPN like E×préššVPN, CyberGhost, VyprVPN and IPVanish, in my opinion this are the best ones

You also must use a anonymous browser, when i say this i don't mean going into incognito mode, but yes to use a real anonymous browser, for that you can use TOR Browser or Brave Browser, i recommend TOR

If you want to be anonymous on the internet you shouldn't trust emails like Gmail or Hotmail, but yes you should trust emails Like ProtonMail or even better Tutanota, since they don't give your information or read your emails

You should also use a anoynmous search engine, since we all know that Google sees what we searching on the internet, for that i recommend you to use DuckDuckGo

This is also one of the most important things to stay anonymous on the internet, if you trying to stay anonymous you going to need to use a fake credit card, adress, name, etc.. so let me start giving you some options for that:


-> You can search "Fake Information Generator" and you will find a lot of Websites that generates fake information for you, like name, address, age, gender, etc . . . .
This is good information but this is not enough to stay "100%" Anonymous on the web. It really comes down on how good your infrastructure and OpSec is.

I'd first like to say that there's nothing wrong with the information you provided. I am also not saying that they're wrong. All of them are actually solid and valid points. But just not enough to stay "100%" anonymous. So I'll just add and clarify a few things.

I'll break it down and explain.

Always use a virtual machine to be anonymous, you can install a ISO on Virtual Box, use VPS, etc . . .
Like I said, Anonymity depends on your infrastructure, so A VM is a good way of going about it. But not really. Let's say you installed a VM on your current System based on what you said here; Your VM will still be "seen" from the outside as belonging to your main "system", the one that is running the VM itself. There is no difference between the software running the VM and any other.

Also, a VM is not used to provide any anonymity because at the end it will have to use the physical interface of the host (Your network adapter). Which is easily identifiable on a kernel-level. Think of it like this: { 1 [ 2 ] }. In this analogy, 1 is your Host ( Yung pinaka PC mo mismo ). 2 would be the VM. How do you think the VM would communicate outside? It'll still have to go through 1 right? You get the idea. The first route that your packets use will maintain an You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. that will associate the VM's IP (Even if its spoofed) to the physical interface of the host machine.

If I want to stay anonymous and untraceable (We will talk about Traceability at a latter part). I will not bother using a VM as in my opinion its pretty much useless and just a waste of your host machine's resources. Using a VM does not provide anonymity. It only increases the time before you're located and fingerprinted.

If this was the case I would just encrypt all my traffic.

If you want to be anonymous the most important thing is to use a vpn without logs, i have seen a lot of people using NordVpn and saying it doesn't keep logs, well it does, i think they keep logs now because how easy it is to get a *****ed NordVpn account, but anyways if you want to be anonymous Online i recommend you a VPN like E×préššVPN, CyberGhost, VyprVPN and IPVanish, in my opinion this are the best ones

You also must use a anonymous browser, when i say this i don't mean going into incognito mode, but yes to use a real anonymous browser, for that you can use TOR Browser or Brave Browser, i recommend TOR

I'll just add a few things regarding this two. On your post it contradicts on a few things.

First, is that Tor actually recommends against using Tor + VPN. To those who doesn't know and just to be clear before I dive into other things; TOR Browser is a browser that allows users to anonymously access content on the internet. It uses the Onion Router (Tor) network which is a decentralized protocol that uses onion routing to enable private and censorship-resistant digital interaction. This the thing we use as a gateway to access the so called "Dark Web".

Now that I got that out of the way. Tor actually isn't wrong nor correct. It doesn't recommend the use of Tor + VPN because it reduces the diversity of your connection to Tor: everything goes to the VPN provider first. In my opinion its not actually a bad thing using both at the same time. It actually makes sense to me. I will not make any recommendations regarding the use of both at the same time because there are a lot of unknown factors that can affect one's security. At the end of the day, just like I said, it really depends on your infrastructure and OpSec.

I will however recommend the use of the Tor browser. But again, this is not enough. You need to do a little config change on the browser itself. You need to make sure that the browser doesn't use any script, especially JavaScript. Every browser has this capability but if you're using Tor you definitely need to turn off JavaScript. Why? Because JavaScript can be used to track your precise location in a matter of seconds rendering your VPN and other security useless.

I also do not recommend the use of any software-based VPN. If you've got no choice, then the VPN's you've given as example are good enough. But in my opinion MullVad VPN Is the best out there. If you have extra money, I recommend buying an external router with a router-level vpn. That'll be better than using a software based VPN.

If you want to be anonymous on the internet you shouldn't trust emails like Gmail or Hotmail, but yes you should trust emails Like ProtonMail or even better Tutanota, since they don't give your information or read your emails

You should also use a anoynmous search engine, since we all know that Google sees what we searching on the internet, for that i recommend you to use DuckDuckGo

This is also one of the most important things to stay anonymous on the internet, if you trying to stay anonymous you going to need to use a fake credit card, adress, name, etc.. so let me start giving you some options for that:


-> You can search "Fake Information Generator" and you will find a lot of Websites that generates fake information for you, like name, address, age, gender, etc . . . .

Now let's talk about this stuff. Now this concerns a few things. Anonymity and Traceability; you can think of them as the same thing. But they're slightly different things, and the latter does improve the former.

Kanina ko pa binabanggit yung OpSec right? What does it mean? OpSec stands for Operational Security. In layman terms, OpSec are rules, processes, and/or practices to protect sensitive information. YOUR information.

Using this tools (Anonymous Email, Anon Search Engine, Fake Information, VCC, and Fake Information) are good practices in one's OpSec. But before doing the aforementioned stuff there are a few steps you must take. You must make sure that you have absolutely no digital footprint ANYWHERE! Also, don't even think about using a similar username or any identifiable thing that could be linked up to you even if its a decade years old. There are free tools available out there that can help you do this. Remember, everything that you input online are stored somewhere. So really think before you click :ROFLMAO:

CONCLUSION: The things you mentioned have good foundation but its not enough to make you 100% ANONYMOUS. There are a lot of factors that needs to be considered to be one. There are advantages and disadvantages as well. All of the things I talked about here falls under OpSec. While writing the entirety of this comment, I got the sudden urge to just start a thread later regarding OpSec. But its a topic that can be up for a debate. Because at the of the day, it will all depend on the person executing. If this helped you in any way, a little like/thanks would suffice :love:
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