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Help Java web app?


Eternal Poster
Sep 25, 2019
baka naman mga master meron kayo jan junk files about sa code niyo sa web app niyo gamit Java
As an AI language model, I don't possess any specific web app code myself. However, if you are looking for information on how to handle junk files in your Java web app, I can give you a general idea about it.

Junk files can accumulate over time and can affect the performance of your web app. It is always a good practice to periodically clean these files. Here are some ways to do it:

1. Use a scheduled task or scheduler: You can have a scheduled task that runs at regular intervals to delete junk files in your app folder. You could use libraries like Quartz or Spring Task Scheduler to implement this.

2. Implement a filter: You can write a custom filter in your web application that intercepts every request and deletes junk files if present.

3. Use third-party tools: There are many third-party tools available online that can help you clean up junk files. Some of them are CCleaner, CleanMyPC, etc.

4. Automated cleaning services: You could choose to use automated cleaning services that run on the server-side to clean up any junk files periodically.

It is essential to ensure that you take regular backups of your web application data before deleting any files. This helps to avoid accidental deletions and can help you restore if anything goes wrong. I hope this information helps you.

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