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Closed Legal h@cking site, improve your skill.

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NoOne Knows

Forum Expert
Apr 10, 2016

H@ck This Site is a free, safe and legal training ground for h@ckers to test and expand their häçking skills. More than just another h@cker w@rgames site, we are a living, breathing community with many active projects in development, with a vst selection of h@cking articles and a huge forum where users can discuss h@cking, network security, and just about everything. Tune in to the h@cker underground and get involved with the project

häçkthissite.org temp.jpeg

H@cking Challenges
At the heart of the project lies the h@cking challenges. We have dozens of simulated wargames that allow users to put their skills to the test in a legal, realistic environment. There are several kinds of challenges each demonstrating different types of skills.

Basic Challenges
These small challenges are straight forward and are designed to outline the fundamentals of a h@cker's first steps in web häçking.

Realistic Missions
Once basic h@cking techniques are learned, it is time to test your knowledge in our "real world" scenarios. These missions are complete websites with built-in security flaws and simulated objectives. You play the role of a freelance h@cker who is contracted by several individuals and organizations to h@ck for social justice causes. You are given objectives and left to explore the site on your own, trying to discover and exploit the vulnerabilities. The web h@cking skills taught in this series of challenges can be directly applied to systems in the real world.

Application (Reversing) Challenges
Requiring more operating system / programming specific skills, these missions test your ability to manipulate and gather information from applications on your own machine.

Stegonography Challenges
Everyone has a need to hide something and often encryption is good enough for this purpose. In this case, however, everyone knows you are hiding something. Hiding information in plain sight is much harder to do discretely. We start you off on the basics and hope you can contribute your ideas back to us.

JavaScript Challenges
JavaScript is a very prominent web technology. It is no longer just for pretty effects but can be used to make entire web applications. Exploiting JavaScript is an important skill for a h@cker's tool set.

Extended Basic Challenges
Reading code is the simplest way to find exploits. We offer up some vulnerable code snippets that you then have to exploit or ρá†ch.

häçk This Site!
Last, but not least, is we encourage you to literally h@ck this site! We encourage people to explore the security of our site and we reward those who responsibly disclose their exploit with an entry into the H@ckThisSite hall of fame.

Project Organization
If you are interested in becoming part of HTS, the first step is not to submit an application or directly ask us. Try contributing to the project through a number of other ways - becoming active on IRC, writing articles, giving lectures, contributing ideas, etc. Have something to offer to HTS, then declare your intention about being on staff. Remember that you have to win the support of existing staff members and be voted in.

Get Involved!
H@ck This Site is not something that just happens. It is a continuously evolving project with many active users working on many active projects. It's more than just a website, but a movement made up of people just like you.

link: H@ck this site. org

Learn, share, become a real h@cker bahala ka na kung sa mabuti mo gagamitin o sa masama.


salamat dito ts, gusto ko mag häçk para may free software ako magamit yung ako mismo mag häçk para makuha ko lahat ng software na pwede ko gamitin hahaha..
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