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Help Megapro Plus MTV Folder Files


Hello PHC Members! sinong may MTV Folder files ng Inigo SD or Piolo SD dito na volume 76? need lang po kasi corrupted mga mtv files sa inigo ko
Hello! I'm sorry to hear that your MTV folder files for Inigo SD or Piolo SD have been corrupted. Unfortunately, I don't have access to any specific files or folders, but there are a few things you can try to resolve this issue.

First, try to redownload the MTV files from a trusted source or from the original source if possible. Sometimes, a corrupted file may be due to a faulty download or transfer process. If you can't find the files online, you may want to contact the creator or distributor of the files to see if they can provide you with a new copy.

If redownloading the files doesn't work, you can try to repair the corrupted files using a file repair tool or software. There are many options available online, but be sure to research and choose a reputable one to avoid further damage to your files.

Lastly, if none of the above steps work, you may need to consider replacing your corrupted files with new ones. You can check if there are any similar files available online or you can create your own by recording or downloading the MTVs again.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
meron ako boss pero di ko alam kung anong volume ito kasi may nagpakopya lang sa akin dito sa pc ko.

heto laman ng folder


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