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To demonstrate the addition of several vectors to form a resultant vector using a force table, follow these steps:

1. Set up the force table by placing it on a level surface and making sure all the pulleys are properly aligned.

2. Attach three or more strings to the center of the force table, with each string representing a vector. Make sure the strings are of different lengths and have different angles.

3. Attach weights to the end of each string to represent the magnitude of each vector.

4. Using a protractor, measure the angle between each string and the horizontal plane.

5. Use the force table to adjust the direction and magnitude of each vector until the force table is balanced.

6. Measure the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector using a ruler and a protractor.

7. Record the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector in your lab notebook.

8. Repeat the experiment with different vector combinations to demonstrate the different outcomes that can be achieved by adding and subtracting vectors.

By following these steps, you can use a force table to demonstrate the addition of several vectors to form a resultant vector, and show how different vector combinations can impact the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector.

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