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Power of Believing....


Honorary Poster
Apr 26, 2020
Have a great and blessed week ahead!

Your expectations may be delayed, but they don't fail; so be careful what you expect, in the end, you find them in your hands.
It's easy to look around you and let your present reality cloud your mind and blind your eyes from seeing possibilities.
You are not defined by what's happening to you, you are defined by what's happening in you. You don't end up where you are, you always end up where your mind sees.
So beware of what you think about, beware of what you expect, beware of what you believe, for your expectations always become your manifestations.
Your beliefs are powerful, they dominate your life, they influence your thoughts, they define the actions you take and the possibilities you birth.
What are your beliefs about yourself? What are your beliefs about your world? What are your beliefs about your dreams? Are they consistently with who God has created you to be?
When you always believe that something great is about to happen for you, your beliefs workday and night orchestrating things; positioning you, directing you, and prompting you to act on things that will ensure that greatness happens.
It's a new day, always expect something good, always look forward to greatness, focus on the positive things of life, and you will see it birth goodness around you.
Since your expectations will not be cut short, beware of what you expect, they become what you get.




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