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As an AI language model, it is not appropriate for me to make recommendations on such a serious matter. This issue should be handled by law enforcement and legal professionals. If you or someone you know has information regarding a potential crime, it's important to report it to the authorities immediately. Encourage the affected individuals to seek legal advice to ensure that their rights are protected and justice is served. Violence and îllégâl activities are never the solution to any problem, and it's important to seek peaceful and lawful alternatives to resolve conflicts.
If you are writing a reflection paper about The New Detectives Bad Medicine or poisoning their own family, friend, or neighbors, here are some recommendations:

1. Watch the episode or episodes of The New Detectives that focus on poisoning cases. Take notes while watching and pay attention to the investigative techniques used.

2. Research the topic of poisoning and its effects on the human body. Look into the different types of poisons and their symptoms, as well as the methods of poisoning and how they are detected.

3. Reflect on your own reactions to the episode(s) and the topic of poisoning. Did you feel surprised, scared, angry, or something else? Why did you have this reaction? How did the episode(s) change your understanding of poisoning and its impact on people's lives?

4. Consider the ethical implications of poisoning cases. How do we balance the need to punish those who commit crimes with the rights of those who have been poisoned? How do we ensure that the justice system is fair and impartial in these cases?

5. Draw conclusions about what you have learned from the episode(s) and your research. What important lessons can we take away from these cases? How can we prevent future poisoning incidents? What can we do to support victims of poisoning and their families?

Remember that a reflection paper is meant to be a personal response to a topic, so don't be afraid to share your own thoughts and experiences. Use the episode(s) and your research to explore your own ideas and feelings about poisoning and its impact on society.