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Trivia Some Dining Habits of Filipinos

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017

1. Tardiness at Gatherings​

A dinner party that starts at “6pm, American time” is different from one that starts at “6pm, Filipino time.” It’s not unusual for Filipinos to arrive at a party at least 30 minutes past the official call time. Come earlier than that, and you’re perceived as too eager.

2.The Hodgepodge Fiesta Meal​

Judging by our over-decorated jeepneys, sari-sari stores that sell everything brimming with a mix of incongruous ingredients, we Filipinos have a thing about mixing stuff together, even those that should be kept separate.Unfortunately, this also translates into our eating habits. Attend any town fiesta,and you’ll see every guest’s plate stacked with and a heaping mound of rice, all spilling indiscriminately atop each other. If the plate still isn’t full, expect to find a little serving of dessert or Fruit Salad somewhere in there, too.

3.Eyes on the Unli-Rice​

all a restaurant has to do to get our attention and money is to offer “unlimited rice.”Despite knowing the horrible effects of excessive carb consumption on our health,we insist on having our favorite carbohydrate with practically everything.But regardless of this addiction’s root cause—whether biological, social, or cultural—this is one “Unli-“ offer that wouldn’t hurt our country if it expired.

4.Gravy: Dip na, Sabaw pa​

Fret not if you can’t afford anything on a KFC menu beyond a single, tiny chicken wing, and a ton of rice. Just pour gravy onto your rice, as though this thick brown goo were a soup like Sinigang or Tinola. Voila! Budget and hunger problems solved.And who could blame us? It would be such a waste not to take advantage of the seductive, shiny gravy pitchers in most KFC branches (especially with that free refill).

5.Food Hoarding at Parties​

Our unconditional love for freebies takes on a horrifying form at the buffet.
Filipinos always seem to be preparing for the Hunger Games, just like ants during rainy days. We got so used to hoarding food that special occasions in the Philippines are much more appreciated when hosts allow (or even encourage) their guests to take home some food. That, or guests themselves bring plastic bags, ready to pack food away as soon as the coast is clear.

Ewan ko ba kung saan lupa-lop nanggaling yung nag pa uso na kapag fiesta "pagkain" yung unang ini-isip, dito samin kasi yung fiesta is a form of social gathering para sa mga manggagawa to relax or to celeberate sa magandang taon o magandang harvest.

Dito samin kapag fiesta yung unang ini-isip nila ay yung "bayle" or yung night disco. Naabotan ko pa na ikaw pa mismo yung pipilitin na kumain sa bahay nang my fiesta... ngayun parang iba na dito samin, siguro na hawa na sila nang mga ugaling tiga syudad.

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