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Closed Suddenly Royal Series by Nichole Chase Epub Ebook

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El Vampiro
Jan 24, 2011
Suddenly Royal by Nichole Chase


Samantha Rousseau is used to getting her hands dirty. Working on a master's degree in wildlife biology while helping take care of her sick father, she has no time for celebrity gossip,

designer clothes, or lazy vacations. So when a duchess from the small country of Lilaria invites her to dinner, Samantha assumes it's to discuss a donation for the program. The truth will

change the course of her life in ways she never dreamed...

As crown of Lilaria, Alex D'Lynsal has had his share of scandalous headlines, but the latest pictures in the press have sent him packing to America and forced him to swear off women. That is,

until he meets Samantha Rousseau. She's stubborn, feisty, and incredibly sê×ÿ. Not to mention heiress to an estate in his country, which makes her everyone's front-page news. While Sam tries

to navigate her new world of politics and wealth, she will also have to dodge her growing feelings for Alex. Giving in to them means more than just fallin in love; it woul dmean accepting the

weight of an entire country on her shoulders.


Recklessly Royal by Nichole Chase


Catherine has spent her life being the perfect princess. She's kept her hands clean, her head down, and most importantly - men at arm's length. After all, most men are after only one thing,

and for Cathy there's a lot more at stake than her bed; she has to worry about the fate of an entire nation. But at the rate she's going, Cahty is afraid she'll give the ****** Queen a run

for her money. She is tired of waiting for someone good enough to come along. She has a plan, and it all hinges on seducing the one man who seems utterly unimpressed by all things royal. The

one man she is tempted by more then any other...

When David arrives at the royal wedding of his friend, the newly ordained Duchess Samantha Rousseau, he expects to feel uncomfortable and out of his element, but he isn't prepared to be

targeted by Prince Alex's gorgeous younger sister. With Cathy's giant blue eyes, killer figure, and sense of humor, it won't take long before he gives in. But when he finds out just how

innocent the crown princess really is, will play the part of knight in shining armor or the dashing rogue?


Reluctantly Royal by Nichole Chase


Maxwell Jameson Trevor, prince of Lilaria, hates his royale role. Despising the limelight, he takes solace in his art studio and steers clear of any drama. But when one of the newly

discovered royals passes away, Maxwell's brother Alex asks him to break the news to the old man's granddaughter. Though he hates to be the bearer of doom and gloom, he doesn't want the poor

girl to find out from the tabloids. For Maxwell knows all too well how devastating that could be.

Coming froma broken home and modest background, newly ordained Lady Meredith Thysmer has seized her chance to make a better life for herself and her son. She's not afraid to use her best

assets to get what she wants. But when the unpretentious yet devastatingly handsome Max delivers his news, her plans for the future come crashing to a halt. In the challenging days ahead,

Max's compassion, humor, and steadfast loyalty to Meredith and her son win her over. She quickly finds herself doing something she swore would never happen again: falling in love. And yet

Maxwell still refuses to completely drop his guard. Somehow Meredith's got to find a way to seduce this reluctant royal.


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Thank you PHC and credits to apkone! :D


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