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Upcoming Nba 2k23 season 3


Eternal Poster
Aug 20, 2018
Happy Holidays! NBA 2K23 Season 3 is coming to MyTEAM. We are coming up on one of the best times of the year. What NBA 2K23 Season 3 rewards can you expect from this new update? In this guide, we share all the leaked NBA 2K23 next gen and current gen rewards for Season 3.

NBA 2K23 Season 3 Update Guide: Release Date, Events, Level 40 Rewards & More Prizes

Without a doubt that 2K23 Season 3 is Christmas themed! On November 30, 2022, the current festival will conclude along with Season 2. On the next day, NBA2K23 Season 3 is going to launch. Now, we are going to tell you everything about the rewards and everything that you need to know before Season 3 releases. So that you have plenty of time to prepare since Season 3 is just about to begin.

NBA 2K23 Season 3 Events

Trophy Case Event

Start Time: November 29

We are getting a new trophy case event in Season 3 starts on November 29. In this competition, finishing a franchise's Trophy Case will grant access to a new, elite player. There are 15 Event Cards featuring significant occasions in the history of each NBA club; your goal is to collect all of them and earn a Pink Diamond player from each organization as a prize. By accumulating 5 Pink Diamond players from different divisions, you will be rewarded with a Galaxy Opal, and by completing the collections for the conferences and the NBA, you will receive 3 Dark Matter players with an OVR of 99.

NBA 2K Compete

Start Time: December 3

We don't know what NBA 2K Compete event looks like so far. This event starts on Saturday, December 3.

Power Up

Start Time: December 10

The next event's going to be Power Up which starts on December 10, 9 am. It’s a 5v5, receive Godlike Boosts on the court of Greek Legends. That's basically how you do that event.

Dunk Fest

Start Time: December 17

Dunk Fest is basically a version of Dome Time that starts on December 17, 9 am. All you need to do is come together as a community to hit the designated dunks goal and win prizes.

Dime Time

Start Time: December 24

Dime Time is an event exclusive to NBA 2K21's MyPark mode that rewards players for dishing out assists while playing games against other MyPark members.

Badge Hunter: Finishing

Start Time: December 26

This NBA2K23 Season 3 event starts on December 26, it's on Monday day 6 a.m in the morning. You will receive double badge points in the finishing category.

Specialist Appreciation: Shooters

Start Time: December 27

It's basically you get 3xp for a lot of shooting badges like 28 shooting. If you get 28 shooting badges, you get 3xp. You get 18 shooting that you get 2xp.

Hunters Defensive

Start Time: December 28

It's on a Wednesday, December 28. You will get 2xp on defensive badges for Badge Hunters.

Special Appreciation Playmakers

Start Time: December 29

This event begins on Thursday, December 29, and is going to be for playmaking. 2xp to 3xp for qualifying players.

NBA 2K Compete

Start Time: December 3

Badge Hunter: Shooting

Start Time: December 31

Receive double badge points in the shooting category. It means badge progress, so you get 2xp on your badge progress while you play this.


Start Time: January 7

Defeat each wave of opponents

NBA 2K23 Season 3 Challenges

We will be getting the Moment challenges in NBA 2K23 Season 3 update. We are not sure if it's going to be for a centerpiece or going to be in the same format.

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