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Why should we let traditions lead our lives?


Eternal Poster
Jan 11, 2021
Should we follow so that we can be whole or to be whole we need to go to a different path?
Is this for a personal opinion type of perspective? If so then, as for me following traditions will limit opportunities and hinder my establishment to grow. How can someone get to pick up another path that perfectly fits a whole new concept if he'll just let something like a vague idea of tradition to tie everything in place. Traditions have served its purpose to keep intact the rationalization of the earlier generation, with that it can't be the same to us the present ones.
this is my opinion, traditions have always been there, it's a part of our culture, a part of who we are, they may sometimes hinder us from some opportunities but traditions are also the reason that will keep us grounded. Most of the time traditions have come and gone, which I can say is a part of this constantly changing world, but if we disregard all our traditions altogether, and just run wild, and chase things we like without having second thought (considering traditions), then, who will we become then? Isn't not knowing oneself considered the most painful experience a human being can feel? Isn't it the greatest dilemma of our current generation that young adults don't know who they are or what they want to do? They were simply lost. I say keep the relevant traditions and practice them, and remember the irrelevant ones since it will teach us something if we reflect on them.
Not all traditions are right, that is why we must not set ourselves into something that might prevent us from learning the truth. If we hinder ourselves of learning more then we can never achieve greater things.
In life, there is really no such thing is good and bad. It is only a cycle between order (traditions) and chaos (potential). One is not better than the other. Either way we go, we only base it upon the result to judge if it is right or wrong.
The younger a mind is, it is more likely to have a tendency towards something new and risky. Then as one matures, the more it tilts towards staying with whatever worked in the past.

So to answer the question, "why should we let traditions lead our life?", we do this if when we do not have a room for failure and we want to keep a safe margin towards success. But if you know how to embrace failure, the more you can let go of traditions.

Filipinos in general are very emotional and are afraid of failure that is why being traditional or conservative is more likely for us. But some are more privileged than others and they generally can live a riskier and more creative lifestyle away from traditions.

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