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Tutorial Why you should NEVER M@sturb@te (Ebook)


Forum Veteran
Oct 20, 2020
Why you should NEVER M@sturb@te


Did it ever come to your mind if m@sturb@tion is actually good or bad? Why most teenagers are puzzled about it? Why so many men have *** related issues now than ever before? Is m@sturb@tion a slow killer of your health and *** life?

Modern science and most people until now think of m@sturb@tion as harmless, and semen as mostly for procreation and entertainment. This book will open your mind to the secrets of this powerful ‘ingredient’ in the body as to what really semen is, and reveals the grave negative effects m@sturb@tion creates on mind, body, and society.

Never before, one may have seen a single book having forewords and acceptance from three different and major medicinal practices of the world, i.e. Allopathy, Homeopathy, and Ayurveda. M@sturb@tion habit has already affected a lot of men making them suffer greatly on health and personal life. This books enlightens on why it is a must to stop m@sturb@tion immediately and how even the considered unstoppable nocturnal emissions can be stopped. Get solutions to your various *** related problems, and clear the myths and mysteries about m@sturb@tion and nocturnal emission (wet dream / nightfall). A must read for every teenager and ãdül† on Earth.

No book has probably ever been published directly and just on this topic with so much depth and detailed explanations. Get ready for an unthought-of discovery and a reading ride that will be even better than an unputdownable page-turner book. This is the first such book explaining how so much of m@sturb@tion creates mass scale health, social and environmental issues, and negativity in the world.

Get answers to questions that have never been answered before. The most needed discovery in the field of medical science is finally here that is going to change your life and how you think about your body forever.

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ano ka martir?

baka wetpax ang pinipinger mo kaya ayaw mo mag jabol

mas masama yun habang nagjajabol ang isang tao e inaabangan mo, tpos sinasabayan mo ng pagsulot ng daliri mo sa wetpax mo.
yun ang masama
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