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Trivia 10 New Dating Slang Words You Should Know

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017

1. soft launching

The term refers to the trend of posting subtle hints on social media that you’re dating someone new—two glasses of wine, for instance—without revealing identifying details.(Rachel Sennet)

2. roaching

It’s an unwritten rule that if you see one cockroach, there are probably more lurking in the dark. That’s where the dating term roaching comes from. It’s described as roaching if a person you’re dating is hiding the fact that they’re involved with multiple other people at the same time. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with keeping it casual or seeing multiple people if that’s what’s been agreed upon. What makes it roaching is the fact that it’s happening in secret. The person might even play it off like they’re only seeing one person. Maybe it’s time to exterminate that connection.

3. Fauci-ing

Fauci-ing is the act of turning down a date because someone isn’t taking the pandemic seriously enough.(Dr. Anthony Fauci)

4. zombie-ing

By now, you’ve probably heard of You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., that unpleasant phenomenon in which someone abruptly ends all contact with no explanation. But what do you call it when someone who ghosted you suddenly comes back around? Zombie-ing. A You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., in this case, is a ghoster who “rises from the dead” and contacts you like nothing ever happened. Just like in a real zombie apocalypse, there probably isn’t a cure for the virus. Perhaps the best thing you can do is run away fast.

5. wokefishing

wokefishing happens when someone portrays themselves as more progressive than they are, usually on social media, in order to impress others or simply because they aren’t as well-versed on the issues as they believe themselves to be.(Serena Smith)

6. benching

Athletes get You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., or “removed from a game,” all the time. What does it mean in dating? Benching refers to the practice of keeping a potential romantic partner on hold in case others don’t work out. If you’re being benched, the person who is doing the benching might reach out just often enough to keep you on the hook, but they only really invest time in the relationship or come around when they don’t have other options. If dating had referees, there would definitely be a flag on this play.

7. orbiting

Men’s Health has referred to orbiting as “the new ghosting.” It’s when someone breaks off all contact with a person they were dating in real life, but they continue following that person on social media and interacting with their posts and content. In other words, they orbit their ex or former dating partner just like a planet might You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. another celestial body. Of course, it’s normal to stay social media friends sometimes, but if the breakup is fresh or the severing of ties was complete and the person is still reacting to your stories like nothing happened? Houston, we have a problem.

8. cuffing

Cuffing is another way of saying people are committing to a relationship, and You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. is “the period during the fall and winter holidays, from Thanksgiving to Valentine’s Day, when people are more inclined to pair up in committed romantic relationships.” Cuffs has been short for handcuffs since the 1800s. Now, the terms You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. are a play on handcuffing oneself to a partner (i.e., being exclusive). While these relationships may or may not go the distance once the seasons change, at least there’s someone else around to fake laugh at your uncle’s bad jokes on Thanksgiving.

9. pocketing

Normally, when people are in a new relationship, they want to shout it from the rooftops. That’s not the case with pocketing. Pocketing means keeping someone you’re dating separate, or “You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.,” from the rest of your life, like not introducing them to your friends, inviting them to events or making mention of your relationship on social media. There are a lot of different reasons why people may pocket a new relationship. Regardless of the reason, it’s safe to say no one wants to feel like they’ve been tucked away like loose change.

10. breadcrumbing

Breadcrumbing is the new “leading someone on.” Typically, if someone is breadcrumbing you, it happens via text and social media. They engage in occasional chats and messages, and they might even flirt, but they don’t intend to actually pursue a relationship. If anything, they might just be in it for the ego boost. The metaphor of breadcrumbing might remind you of Hansel and Gretel—and the trail of crumbs they left behind—and that’s exactly what this term references. Someone is leaving just enough of a trail to string you along. Take note: breadcrumbing can happen with exes, too. They might pop up just when you’re starting to move on. Normally, we aren’t ones to promote dating slang warfare, but if you’re a victim of breadcrumbing, that might be an instance when ghosting someone is justified.

excerpt from thesaurus/dictionary.com
useless sa akin walang kadate ts next po pakilagyan ng for may kadate only😢 pass ako dito pero mayroon ba diyan yung pinaasa ka lang ni crush umiiwas kasi ako sa ganitong topic ayoko basahin nakakalungkot lang
🥴sorry naman

Zombieing and breadcrumbing! Haha!
Daming ganyan. 🤣

Ngayon ko lang na encounter yang mga terms na yan! Amazing! Hahah!
amazing as it is 😆

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