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Closed Can't jump.... Can't access

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I am a foreigner but today my friend will help me. so you can help me with tagalog

My modem is B315s-936 TATOO

I jumped and installed with .hmf file. BUT when I install the OVPN........it can't be installed

after that....I can't access anymore and I can't jump, I can't go to USB mode.

It means I can't install firmware anymore.....I press the reset button but it's useless.....I can access only with lan cable

can you help me to fix this issue?

I just want to go to USB mode and install the firmware again. but I can't go to USB mode anymore
based from the thread/video from YT, USB mode without jumper will only work using jeromlaliag firmware (check his thread here)

another thread discussing on those having issues on USB mode access which requires using other firmware (thread)

or if you have your back up of your own firmware before you made the jump and reflash

added thread (here) on how to get in USB mode

good luck(y)
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