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Complete Bootstrap & React Bootcamp with Hands-On Projects


Forum Veteran
Apr 6, 2017
Learn to Build Responsive, Interactive Web Apps using Bootstrap and React.


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What you'll learn​

  • Learn the Bootstrap Grid System
  • Learn to work with Bootstrap Three Column Layouts
  • Learn to Build Bootstrap Navigation Components
  • Learn to Style Images using Bootstrap
  • Build Advanced, Responsive Menus using Bootstrap
  • Build Stunning Layouts using Bootstrap Themes
  • Learn the Foundations of React
  • Work with JSX, and Functional Components in React
  • Build a Calculator in React
  • Learn the React State Hook
  • Debug React Projects
  • Learn to Style React Components
  • Build a Single and Multi-Player Connect-4 Clone with AI
  • Learn React Lifecycle Events
  • Learn React Conditional Rendering
  • Build a Fully Custom E-Commerce Site in React
  • Learn the Foundations of JSON Server
  • Work with React Router
This course seems to be a comprehensive guide to building responsive and interactive web apps using both Bootstrap and React. Here are some of the key topics that you'll learn:

1. Bootstrap Grid System: You'll learn how to effectively use the Bootstrap grid system to create responsive layouts for your web pages.

2. Bootstrap Three Column Layouts: You'll learn how to create three-column layouts using Bootstrap, which can be useful for various types of content organization.

3. Bootstrap Navigation Components: This course will teach you how to build navigation menus and other navigation components using Bootstrap.

4. Styling Images with Bootstrap: You'll learn how to style images using the features and classes provided by Bootstrap.

5. Advanced, Responsive Menus: This course will cover how to build advanced and responsive menus using Bootstrap, allowing you to create dynamic and user-friendly navigation systems.

6. Stunning Layouts with Bootstrap Themes: You'll learn how to create visually appealing and professional-looking layouts using Bootstrap themes.

Moving on to React, the course covers:

1. Foundations of React: You'll learn the basics of React and understand how it works as a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

2. JSX and Functional Components: You'll work with JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code in your React components. You'll also learn about functional components, a fundamental concept in React.

3. Building a Calculator: You'll build a calculator application using React, applying the concepts you've learned.

4. React State Hook: The course introduces the concept of the React State Hook, which allows you to manage and update the state of your components.

5. Debugging React Projects: You'll learn techniques for debugging React projects, which can be helpful when troubleshooting issues.

6. Styling React Components: This course covers styling React components using CSS and CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components.

7. Building a Connect-4 Clone with AI: You'll have the opportunity to build a single and multi-player Connect-4 game with an AI opponent using React.

8. React Lifecycle Events: You'll learn about React lifecycle events and how to utilize them to control the behavior of your components.

9. React Conditional Rendering: The course covers conditional rendering in React, allowing you to conditionally show or hide certain parts of your UI based on specific conditions.

10. Building a Fully Custom E-Commerce Site: You'll learn how to build a fully custom e-commerce website using React, showcasing your understanding of the concepts covered in the course.

11. Foundations of JSON Server: This course introduces you to JSON Server, a simple and lightweight tool for creating RESTful APIs using JSON.

12. Working with React Router: You'll learn how to use React Router, a popular routing library for React, to handle navigation and routing in your applications.

Overall, this course seems to provide a comprehensive learning experience for both Bootstrap and React, enabling you to build responsive and interactive web apps.