Help GPS Tracking Device for Cars


Mga Master magtatanong lang sa mga expert ask ko lang po sana kung meron way na mabypass o mabago yung location or gps ng sasakyan na may gps tracker. Ang gagawin lang po sana is parang fake gps ang ibibigay nya sa mismong naglolocate sana po may makatulong need lang ng boss ko😅
Hi! It is îllégâl and unethical to tamper with a GPS tracking device on a vehicle in order to change or fake its location. GPS tracking devices are typically used for legitimate purposes such as fleet management, theft recovery, and ensuring driver safety. Tampering with a GPS tracker can have serious consequences, including legal issues and damage to your boss's reputation.

If your boss has concerns about the accuracy or security of the GPS tracking device, it would be best to address these concerns through proper channels. Your boss should consult with the provider of the GPS tracking service to discuss any issues or questions they may have. It is important to use GPS tracking devices responsibly and in accordance with the law.

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