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Honorary Poster
List down three ways in expressing attraction in an acceptable manner and three unacceptable expressions that one must avoid.
Acceptable ways to express attraction:

1. Complimenting the person's personality, skills, or accomplishments: This can be a way to show interest without coming on too strong about their physical appearance.

2. Asking the person out on a date politely: This is a straightforward way to express interest in someone, but it's important to be respectful and not pushy.

3. Engaging in genuine conversation and showing interest in their hobbies and interests: This can help build a connection with the person and show that you value their unique qualities beyond just their looks.

Unacceptable ways to express attraction:

1. Making inappropriate or sexual comments: This is disrespectful and can make the other person feel uncomfortable or objectified.

2. Stalking or obsessively pursuing the person: This behavior is not only creepy but can also be dangerous and make the other person feel threatened.

3. Using pickup lines or manipulative tactics: These can come across as insincere and may make the other person feel like they're being played or manipulated.

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