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Help Session 7 Patient Communication and Preparation


  1. Describe a sample ideal statement on Explaining the procedure and what to expect after

  1. Describe the ideal means on how to allow the patient to express concerns and fears about the procedure

  1. Identify the most common interfering factors yet significant in the outcome of mammography

  1. Provide and ideal situation where there is a need to schedule a senior technologist

  1. Describe an ideal and general patient preparations during mammography

  1. Describe how assisting patients and further instructions should be carried out in ambulatory patients

  1. Describe the interventions or ideal protocol to be assisted unto the patients after the mammographic examination
  2. Describe the ideal anxiety reduction for patients during mammography
  3. Describe how an ideal explanations process from the radiologic technologists be done towards the patient during mammography
  4. Describe the ideal philosophy of understanding patients undergoing mammography in order to deliver an excellent patient care and relationship.
1. Explaining the procedure and what to expect after:
An ideal statement to explain the mammography procedure and what to expect after could be: "During the mammography procedure, you will be asked to stand in front of the mammography machine while the technologist positions your ****** on the platform. The machine will then compress your ****** for a few seconds to take the images. After the procedure, you may experience some temporary discomfort or bruising, but this is normal and should subside quickly. Results will be communicated to you by your healthcare provider."

2. Allowing the patient to express concerns and fears about the procedure:
The ideal means to allow the patient to express concerns and fears about the procedure is to create a safe and supportive environment where the patient feels comfortable sharing their feelings. It's important to actively listen to their concerns, validate their emotions, and provide reassurance. Open-ended questions such as "How are you feeling about the procedure?" can help encourage the patient to express their fears and concerns.

3. Most common interfering factors in the outcome of mammography:
Common interfering factors in the outcome of mammography include ****** density, presence of ****** implants, improper positioning, motion artifacts, and inadequate compression. These factors can affect the quality of the images obtained during the mammogram, potentially leading to missed abnormalities or false-positive results.

4. Need to schedule a senior technologist:
A situation where there is a need to schedule a senior technologist is when a complex case arises, such as a patient with dense ****** tissue, previous ****** surgery, or challenging anatomy. A senior technologist with advanced experience and expertise can ensure that the mammography procedure is performed accurately and efficiently, minimizing the risk of errors and ensuring optimal image quality.

5. General patient preparations during mammography:
General patient preparations during mammography include wearing comfortable clothing with separate top and bottom, avoiding the use of deodorants, lotions, or powders on the day of the exam, and informing the technologist of any ****** symptoms or concerns. Patients should also be prepared for some temporary discomfort during the procedure due to ****** compression.

6. Assisting patients and providing further instructions for ambulatory patients:
When assisting ambulatory patients during mammography, it's important to provide clear instructions on how to position themselves for the exam and communicate any necessary movements or breath-holding instructions during image acquisition. Additionally, ensuring the patient's comfort and privacy throughout the procedure is essential for a positive experience.

7. Interventions after the mammographic examination:
After the mammographic examination, it is important to provide patients with information on when and how they will receive their results, as well as any follow-up recommendations. Patients should be encouraged to contact their healthcare provider with any questions or concerns that may arise post-exam.

8. Anxiety reduction for patients during mammography:
To reduce anxiety during mammography, technologists can provide clear explanations of the procedure, offer reassurance and support, maintain open communication with the patient, and ensure a comfortable and private environment. Techniques such as deep breathing exercises, distraction techniques, and gentle reassurance can also help alleviate anxiety.

9. Explanations process from radiologic technologists towards the patient:
Radiologic technologists should use clear and simple language to explain the mammography procedure to the patient, ensuring that the patient understands what to expect during the exam. Technologists should also address any questions or concerns the patient may have, provide reassurance, and maintain a caring and supportive attitude throughout the process.

10. Philosophy of understanding patients undergoing mammography:
Understanding patients undergoing mammography involves empathy, respect, and sensitivity towards their feelings and experiences. It is essential to listen actively, communicate effectively, and provide personalized care that considers the patient's individual needs and concerns. Building a trusting relationship with the patient can enhance their overall experience and lead to better outcomes in their care.

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