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Trivia Single Awareness Day

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017
Singles Awareness Day falls every 15th of February , it is commonly known as "Singles Appreciation Day"
so if you’re single and totally despise Valentine’s Day in all of its commercial glory, this is the perfect holiday for you.

Singles Awareness Day reminds us that there’s nothing wrong with being single. In fact, the day after Valentine’s Day points out all the ways that singledom benefits our communities and more.

Originally, Valentine’s Day became a SAD (Singles Awareness Day) day for people without significant others, so they decided to revolt and take that acronym back. They chose empowerment and self-love instead of indulging in a self-loathing soiree.
In the words of pop sensation, Lizzo, “True love finally happens when you’re by yourself.” Singles Awareness Day is now celebrated by loving yourself!
often do so in lighthearted ways that celebrate and embrace their single relationship status despite the negativity sometimes associated with being single.
single people will often get together in honor of their single status. Whether your love being single or you’re not so happy about it, Single Awareness Day is important because everyone can take a moment to realize that you do not need to be in a relationship in order to have a happy life.
They may spend time with other single friends or indulge in some of the same things traditionally exchanged by romantic partners on Valentine’s Day, such as by buying themselves chocolates or flowers.

The main way to celebrate Singles Awareness Day, though, is to treat yourself. After all, we all deserve a treat from time-to-time, don’t we? That’s what this day is about.

Happy Single Awareness Day 💚

excerpt from DaysoftheYear
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