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Trivia The 17 secrets of Men often Women don't Recognize

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017
1. Men seek out relationships that make them feel trusted and respected.

2. Men love through sacrifice.

3. Men are largely logical about their relationships and commitment. Thus, they do not commit easily to things they have not invested in over a period of time.

4. Men are driven to succeed, face challenges, compete, and conquer.

5. Men like women who like themselves.

6. Men love to be heroes.

7. Men like being appreciated.

8. Men like femininity.

9. Men like women who have opinions and assert their needs.

10. Men pursue women who are approachable and appear to be available.

11. Good men want intimate moment with a woman who feels good about having/ feeling same thing with them and will wait until marriage (if that's what she needs).

12. Men need to be needed.

13. Men are repelled by criticism, nagging, and whining.

14. A man experiences anxiety in every conversation a woman initiates until she tells him what she wants him to do.

15. Men bond through doing activities and talking about things more than they do through talking about people, problems, feelings, or ideas.

16. Men adore women who give them love, attention, and affection.

17. Men are often willing to talk openly and honestly when they feel it will help them or another person.

excerpt from Lastinglove

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