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Trivia The Top 5 Rules of Love

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017

1. Always Follow the Golden Rule​

.This rule is the first and most important of all because how we treat other people does affect our own life, our happiness, and our peace. How people treat other people displays their personality and how they think/feel about themselves. People that are caring with kind and positive words towards other people tend to get further in life than negative people who are always hurting others. Treating others with compassion and empathy, respect, and encouragement is considered virtuous. This also shows others that you are a caring person with morals, standards, and principles that are highly positive. Following this simple rule can inspire others to be more positive which leads to a better world. This can bring more success and even a happier future that can be noticed always and through long lengths of time.

2. Cheaters Never Prosper​

The second rule is the most important for maintaining healthy and positive relationships throughout life, intimate or platonic. This includes cheating while playing games but also on your partner, with anyone else's partner, or even when you think no one will know about it. Love involves being honest and having respect for yourself and for all other people around you. Cheating can be hurtful, harmful, damaging, and can cause a bad reputation to be started. This rule of love pertaining to cheating is often broken during these modern times and with extremities. This rule should never be broken and is very important for remaining respectful and respectable.

3. Liars Never Win​

The second rule of love is the most important for having high principles and morals throughout life. Everyone knows you can't have love without trust, which is where honesty comes into play. This means not lying to yourself, your partner, or to anyone at all. The main point of this rule is that people who are close to you always deserve the truth out of love and respect for them. This is what makes a person trustworthy, Not telling any lies and being honest is always the best choice because sometimes lies can get too deep and out of control, which can affect a person's life in the present time and for many years to follow. This also includes "little white lies" and small "tales". Once trust is broken from dishonesty, it is nearly impossible to repair. It's not impossible, but just about.

4. Always Quickly Forgive Others.​

The fourth rule is the one rule that most people have a hard time following because pride and bitterness get in the way. This rule means so much because forgiveness can set anyone free. Letting go of the hurt and pain, putting it away and forgiving someone who has brought pain can free the soul from the past and all of the negative emotions. The first rule, the golden rule, and this rule go hand in hand because a person wants to be forgiven as much as the person who does the forgiving. This rule is showing love, and respect, for the other person and their feelings aside from the fact that they did something wrong and or hurtful. Forgiving someone for something small or very large can bring peace and reduce stress. This rule applies to both men and women.

5. Actions Speak Louder Than Words.​

This fifth and final top rule of love involves saying sorry multiple times, which can be damaging for different reasons. First, when a person hears it often from the same person it starts to lose it's meaning and has no effect. Also, resentment may start to develop because no changes were made in a person's actions to prove their sorry. Changes need to immediately follow an apology, and some times so does an explanation. This rule of love is important for people who really are sorry for what they have done and want to change their ways and express that through actions. Don't just say it, mean it and change it. Trust will start to increase, along with the lessening of mistakes and irrational decisions.

excerpt from pairedlife
You know the rules and so do I~

yan pa talaga ang naisip... 🤣🤣


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