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Trivia Tips to Attract Authentic Love

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017

▪️Seek a relationship out of love (not fear)​

Many people today seek a relationship out of fear.Reasons like not wanting to be alone, not wanting to be left on the shelf, conforming to society’s expectations, appeasing parents’ concerns, wanting to be loved, wanting to feel “complete”, wanting to have a partner to “show off” to friends, and not wanting to be the only single left among coupled friends are fear-based motivations for a relationship.

▪️Be your best self (Change for yourself, not to get someone to like you)​

Remember, your aim isn’t to attract the world, but to attract the right one for you. This will only happen when you’re first embracing your true self.Attract love by being the best you.

▪️Live your best life. Don’t put it on hold for love.​

It is about living your life as you would, pursuing your highest goals, and then dating as yourself. Not making dating the singular goal, but rather, an accent that complements.

▪️Seek love, but don’t treat it as a goal​

While it’s good to intend for love as energy goes where intention flows, love isn’t a goal to be achieved. You can’t control when you find love and who falls in love with you though you can be proactive in making it happen.To treat love as a goal would be to confine and diminish it when it is grander and more pervasive than that.Treat love as what it is — an all-encompassing, formless, timeless, and universal quality that defies time and space — and you will soon attract love in its highest form.

▪️Realize that love is all around you​

As you seek love, don’t miss the love that is around you and that has always been there.Don’t restrict your mind to just seeing romantic love. Recognize the love before you that’s in different forms. Embrace them all and be thankful.

▪️Recognize that you are complete​

Yet, we are often led to believe that we are incomplete whether through books, television shows, or romance movies. We are told that love is necessary to complete us. Unfortunately, this is unhealthy thinking which leaves us feeling like we’re missing something and causes us to yearn for a relationship ever so often.

▪️Play your part in making love happen​

Foster and connect to people around you.Get out of your shell.Get to know them better. Reciprocate if you share the same feelings.Love is a 2-way effort, not a one-way process where the guy/girl finds and chases after you. Just as others put themselves out there to make love happen, you have to play your part too.

▪️Don’t hold constricted views on how love should be​

Do not to hold constricted views on how love should manifest, but leave yourself open to different manners and styles it can appear. It’s more important that you wear your heart on your sleeve and receive love as it appears.

▪️Be clear of your top criteria in a partner​

So, figure out what are your top criteria in a partner. Narrow down to 1–2 criteria. Then let go of the rest because they were never crucial in the first place. When assessing future prospects, do so against your top criteria: nothing more, nothing less.

▪️Nurture rather than terminate​

Throughout your love journey, adopt a nurturing mindset, not a terminalistic one.Its all about focusing on the things you like,growing your connection with that person.Avoid judging what you just see.

Good eve po master.. Later support here... Grabe ang sarap basahin master.. Seriously, i read it aloud and with conviction .. i need to bookmark this para kahit sa fone ko ay makita ko agad ... Thank you for this.
eto yung nagustuhan ko eh,

Be your best self (Change for yourself, not to get someone to like you),​

Realize that love is all around you,​

Recognize that you are complete​


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