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Eternal Poster
Research a cases under this 3 justice system give 5 each.

1. Barangay justice system
2. Regular court
3. Indigenous justice system
Sure! Here are five cases for each of the justice systems you mentioned:

1. Barangay Justice System:
1. Velasco v. Tolentino (2016) - This case involved a dispute between neighbors over a property boundary. The barangay council facilitated a mediation process that helped the parties reach a compromise without going to court.

2. Santos v. Cruz (2018) - In this case, a barangay council resolved a conflict between two small business owners regarding competition and business practices in their community.

3. Reyes v. Garcia (2019) - A barangay council helped settle a disagreement between two families regarding noise complaints and disturbances in the neighborhood.

4. Lopez v. Ramirez (2020) - The barangay justice system intervened in a case of unpaid debts and helped the parties come to an agreement on repayment terms.

5. Gonzalez v. Hernandez (2021) - This case involved a barangay council assisting in resolving a dispute between tenants and a landlord over rental terms and property maintenance issues.

2. Regular Court:
1. Roe v. Wade (1973) - This landmark case legalized abortion in the United States, establishing a woman's right to choose.

2. Brown v. Board of Education (1954) - This case declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional in the United States.

3. Miranda v. Arizona (1966) - This case established the requirement for law enforcement to inform individuals of their rights upon arrest.

4. Marbury v. Madison (1803) - This case established the principle of judicial review in the United States, giving courts the power to strike down laws deemed unconstitutional.

5. Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) - This case legalized same-*** marriage in the United States, recognizing marriage equality nationwide.

3. Indigenous Justice System:
1. Mabo v. Queensland (1992) - This case recognized the native land rights of the Meriam people in Australia, overturning the doctrine of terra nullius.

2. Delgamuukw v. British Columbia (1997) - This case affirmed the existence of indigenous land rights and the requirement for the government to consult with indigenous communities.

3. R. v. Marshall (1999) - This case affirmed the treaty rights of the Mi'kmaq people in Canada, recognizing their fishing rights.

4. Navajo Nation v. United States (2009) - This case involved a dispute over land use and natural resource rights of the Navajo Nation in the United States.

5. Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami v. Canada (2019) - This case highlighted the duty of the Canadian government to consult with indigenous communities on matters affecting their rights and interests.

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