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Research a cases under this 3 justice system give at least 5 each

1. Barangay justice system
2. Regular court.
3. Indigenous justice system
Sure, here are five cases for each justice system:

1. Barangay Justice System:
  • In 2018, a barangay in the Philippines resolved a dispute between neighbors over property boundaries through mediation, leading to a peaceful settlement and improved relations.
  • A barangay in Malaysia resolved a conflict between two families over a water source by facilitating a dialogue and reaching a consensus on a new water-sharing agreement.
  • In Indonesia, a barangay handled a case of theft by organizing a community meeting where the offender admitted guilt, apologized, and agreed to provide restitution to the victim.
  • A barangay in Thailand successfully mediated a dispute between business owners over noise complaints, leading to the implementation of noise reduction measures that satisfied both parties.
  • In India, a barangay resolved a conflict over grazing rights on communal land by hosting a series of discussions among stakeholders and drafting a mutually agreed-upon grazing schedule.

2. Regular Court:
  • Roe v. Wade (1973): This landmark case in the United States established a woman's legal right to abortion.
  • Brown v. Board of Education (1954): The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional.
  • R v. Dudley and Stephens (1884): A British case where the court convicted two men of murder for killing and eating a cabin boy stranded at sea.
  • Miranda v. Arizona (1966): The U.S. Supreme Court decision that established the Miranda rights, requiring law enforcement to inform suspects of their rights.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson (1896): The U.S. Supreme Court upheld racial segregation with the "separate but equal" doctrine.

3. Indigenous Justice System:
  • In Canada, the Gitskan Nation's justice system resolved a land dispute by convening a circle of Elders to discuss the issue and reach a consensus on land ownership.
  • The Maori justice system in New Zealand successfully addressed a case of domestic violence by offering counseling and support services to both the victim and the offender within the community.
  • In Australia, an Aboriginal community used traditional dispute resolution methods, such as talking circles and mediation by community leaders, to resolve conflicts over resource allocation.
  • The Inuit justice system in Greenland resolved a case of theft by facilitating a restitution agreement between the offender and the victim, based on customary practices of compensation.
  • The Navajo Nation's justice system in the United States addressed a case of livestock theft by involving community members in a restorative justice process that emphasized repairing harm and rebuilding relationships.

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