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Topic: Restaurants Service Automation
Working Title: Consumer Perception on the Influence of Contactless Payment system in Local Restaurants in Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro

Research Niche:

My research niche focuses on exploring consumer perceptions regarding the influence of contactless payment systems in local restaurants in Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro. The rapid advancement of technology has significantly impacted various industries, including the restaurant sector. With the emergence of contactless payment systems, restaurants are increasingly adopting these technologies to enhance their service efficiency and customer experience. However, there remains a gap in understanding how consumers perceive and respond to these changes in restaurant operations, especially in a local context.

Identifying Something Wrong:

Existing literature might reveal potential issues or challenges arising from the implementation of contactless payment systems in restaurants. These could include concerns related to data security, privacy, user-friendliness of the technology, or even the potential for exclusion of certain demographics that may not be familiar with or have access to such systems. Studies might point out instances where the implementation of contactless payment systems led to negative customer experiences or operational disruptions.

Identifying Something Missing:

The literature might also uncover gaps in terms of the impact of contactless payment systems on customer behavior and loyalty. Research may be lacking on how these systems affect tipping practices, customer interactions with staff, and the overall sense of hospitality in a restaurant setting. Additionally, studies might not have thoroughly explored the influence of cultural factors on consumer perceptions of contactless payment systems in a local context, which could significantly shape their adoption and effectiveness.

Identifying Something Unclear:

There could be ambiguity in the existing literature regarding the factors that contribute to a positive or negative consumer perception of contactless payment systems. It might be unclear whether issues stem from technical glitches, lack of proper guidance, or miscommunication during the payment process. Furthermore, the extent to which these systems impact the overall dining experience, beyond just the payment aspect, might not be well-defined.

Identifying Something to Be Added:

Given the specificity of the research topic to Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, it is likely that localized insights and perspectives are lacking in the existing literature. Therefore, a valuable addition to the research could be a comprehensive survey or qualitative interviews conducted within this specific geographical context. Understanding how the local culture, economy, and customer preferences intersect with the implementation of contactless payment systems would enrich the body of knowledge in this field

can you help me find the literature for each. with link provided

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